8. Passion Fruit

Far too many people have no idea what a real passion fruit looks like.  They're really missing out, because they're DELICIOUS.  Sweet and tangy and all around wonderful.  Here's the scoop.

This is a passion fruit. You do NOT eat the skin.  This passion fruit is the right maturity to pull off a tree, but it is NOT RIPE and will be gross.  Don't eat the smooth, rounded passion fruit. 

This is a ripe, ready to eat, delicious passion fruit.  (otherwise known as grenadelle in Francophone countries). It's a bit wrinkly.  If it gets TOO wrinkly, it's dry in the middle and not super enjoyable.  But unlike avocados, your ripeness time is a good few days, so you don't need to panic. 

You can slice the passion fruit in half, or if you're really talented, you can just cut off a "cap" on one end of the passion fruit, and suck out the innards. 

Those slimey fish-eyeball like things are the delicious fruit you eat.  Scoop it out with a spoon, or slurp it down directly.  Mix it in to a smoothie, or slather it on top of a cheesecake.  Any way you eat them, they're delicious.  I found these on the street being sold 4 for $1.  I didn't bargain and probably paid the expat price, but they're definitely worth it.



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