1. Mangosteens
This is a Mangosteen. It is (thankfully) not related in any way to the Mango, except for the fact that it is a tropical fruit! (I say thankfully because certain people are allergic to mangoes and if they were related, said people would not be able to enjoy the wonderfulness that is a Mangosteen.) You can find them at roadside fruit stands for just a brief couple of months a year. That time is right now, at least here in Liberia! You don't eat the outside. If you press your two thumbs next to each other into the outside, pressing in and away from each other, you'll find it pliable and easy to break apart. Inside, you'll find a white pulpy center that resemble citrus wedges. There are seeds in them, they're not too hard (won't break a tooth) but you don't want to chew them either, I don't think. You just eat the entire white fleshy part and maybe every other segment has one big seed that is very easy to spit out....